Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Motion detection Project 7/10/09

 Today was the first proper day of researching motion detection using flash. I will start with the best first.
Dan Zen. the name says it all. He currently is a professor of Interactive Multimedia at Sheridan in Oakville Canada running a post grad course in interactive media.
His site is

Dan Zens blog site which holds the crown jewels (i.e. source code and video guidance about what he is doing and how) is at
Then navigate to the ostrich section where you will find this video amongst other things.

This is the only helpful code source that I found that attaches a cursor to the x and y co-ordinates of the motion detection. More than that he also uses customized cursors which are pretty cool. Anyway there is a draw back which is that it is all in AS3 which I know nothing about since all my work thus far is in AS2.
I did discover though that AS3 is way faster at processing so if I can nail it the results should be better.
I also spent $1.98 on a video tutorial which included the source files from
which was not that helpful because it didn't take the application far enough. It was a repeat of what I have already found at such places as soulwire
Justine Windle had kindly made the flash source code in both AS2 and AS3 available for download.

I am begining to think about how all this is gonna work with a large projected image and a camera. I took another look today at Jonny Lees work on wii remote (wiimote) and whiteboard, where he only uses the infra-red of wiimote and built his own LED pen which all sounds simple enough. As you will see from the video it is really impressive stuff, however the hard bit is the c# code working behind the scenes. Since my project is meant to be about extending my flash skills, it is a bit of a tangent. Also he is using really definate tools (the LED pen) and I want to produce something that is not dependent on having to have a special pen, except if that fact is not obvious. i.e. it looks and behaves like a normal pen.

Also I have found only a very few examples of people using back-projection and I am wondering why that is and if I could get away with a projector that was really high above the head of the user so that they would not interfer with the projection.

  • I am using Scrum PM to manage this project with a team of one (laughable, but there you go). I allocated half an hour a day to update this blog, so I might have to steal time from somewhere else, i.e. the research paper. I used a bullet here to reflect corporate mentality.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Masters project: Interactive media: University of Hertfordshire: Tina Burton
Motion tracking and Flash.
Is is possible to track a person hand movements, feed them into flash, track x and y co-ordinates, attach a drawing api to the tracker and produce a drawing based on those movements.